Rimjhim Chaudhary

Rimjhim Chaudhary

Rimjhim Chaudhary

Staff of Professorship for Millimeter-Wave Electronics

ETH Zürich

Professur f. Millimeterwellen-Elek

ETZ K 86

Gloriastrasse 35

8092 Zürich


Brief Biography:

Rimjhim Chaudhary was born in Delhi, India on July 3rd, 1994. She re­ceived her Bach­e­lor's de­gree in Engineering Physics from Delhi Technological University, India in 2015 and her Mas­ter's de­gree in Nanotechnology from University of Pennsylvania, USA in 2018. Cur­rently, she is pur­su­ing her Ph.D de­gree in Mil­lime­ter-Wave Elec­tron­ics Group un­der su­per­vi­sion of Prof. Dr. Colombo Bolog­nesi at the Swiss Fed­eral In­sti­tute of Tech­nol­ogy (ETH Zürich). Her research interest includes fabrication and characterization of InP/GaAsSb based Uni-travelling carrier (UTC) photodiodes.

Publication List:

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