High-Speed Signal Propagation (FS 2023)
Prof. Colombo Bolognesi and Dr. Tamara Popovic
Lecture Contents
Understanding of signal properties on transmission lines in the time and frequency domain. Basic knowledge of analog filter synthesis.
- Transmission line equations of the lossless and lossy TEM-transmission line. Introduction of current and voltage waves.
- Representation of reflections in the time and frequency domain.
- Application of the Smith chart. Behavior of low-loss transmission lines. Attenuation and impulse distortion due to skin effect.
- Transmission line equivalent circuits.
- Group delay and signal dispersion.
- Coupled transmission lines. Butterworth-, Chebychev- and Bessel filter approximations: filter synthesis from low-pass filter prototypes.
- Simple active filters.
Lecture Time:
Thursdays 14:00 – 16:00, NO C6
(First lecture on Thursday, 23.02.2023)
Tuesdays 10:00 – 12:00, RZ F 21
(First exercise on Tuesday, 28.02.2023)

Exercises and lecture notes will be made available on the moodle page of the course.