2D Simulation of InP High Electron Mobility Transistors

Project Description

The goal of this semester project is to expand the existing 2D DC simulation model for MWE grown and fabricated InP High Electron Mobility Transistor using the commercial device simulator SILVACO ATLAS. This project requires understanding underlying physics and operation of a HEMT device, as well as analyzing measured DC and RF data.

InP HEMTS are of great interest for high-gain and low-noise application both at room and cryogenic temperatures. Their great performance is based mainly on excellent channel layer properties such as high electron mobility and high electron saturation velocity. Device geometry also plays a key role in device performance where even a simple change often leads to having to consider several tradeoffs: for example gate-to-channel distance when decreased leads to desirable high gain, but also leads to undesirable high gate leakage.

MWE-laboratory has a tradition of collaborating with European Space Agency in manufacturing and characterizing devices for cryogenic amplifiers which are later implemented in their Deep Space Antennas. However, the experimental determination of the influence of different parameters like layer thickness and material composition on the DC and RF performance of a transistor requires considerable time and financial resources.

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