Microwave Laboratory History

In 1960 the Microwave Laboratory (Mikrowellenlabor) was founded by Professor Georg Epprecht. He applied and developed what was known to be the most advanced computer-based miniaturization and integration of microwave circuits. Primary research projects focused on:
- Broadband receivers based on parametric amplifiers for radio astronomy (observation of the sun)
- Design and technology of Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) filters
- Electronic learning
Professor Epprecht initiated "Electronic Learning" at the Department of Electrical Engineering long before general recognition of the subject and before the computer age. He automated courses on fundamental electrical engineering on the basis of slide projectors and tape recorders.
Prof. Heinrich Baggenstos and his group, formerly part of the Laboratory for Electronics, joined the Microwave Laboratory in 1985. The new Lab was renamed as "Institut für Feldtheorie und Höchstfrequenztechnik" (Laboratory for Field Theory and Microwave Technology). The research focus of the Field Theory group was on computational electromagnetics which was continued even after the retirement of Prof. Baggenstos in 1996.
In 1987 Prof. Epprecht retired and Prof. Werner Bächtold joined the Laboratory and founded the Microwave Electronics Group with the research and teaching subjects:
- Design and characterization of microwave integrated circuits based on Gallium Arsenide and advanced Silicon foundry technologies for mobile communications applications
- Design, technology and characterization of devices and circuits for mm-wave applications based on Indium-Phosphide HEMT (High Electron Mobility Transistor) technology
- Design and technology of integrated optics and optoelectronics
- Measurement technique and microwave systems.
Prof. Bächtold taught various courses such as transmission lines and filters, high frequency technology and high frequency and microwave electronics.
In the 1987 – 2006 period 47 Ph.D. students earned their degree in microwave technology and optics. Prof. Bächtold retired in 2006.
In 2006 Prof. Colombo Bolognesi joined the Laboratory. His research activities focus on III-V compound semiconductor devices and processes from sub-terahertz applications to all-electronic terahertz sources
In 2009 the group under the leadership of Prof. Colombo Bolognesi became the Millimeter-Wave Electronics Group (MWE). Focus of his research are now
- InP/GaAsSb/InP Double Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors (DHBTs) for high frequency applications
- InP-based HEMTs for low-noise applications
- GaN-based HEMTs for power applications at high frequencies