Congratulations Dr. Sara Hamzeloui!

We are proud to celebrate the outstanding achievement of Dr. Sara Hamzeloui, who has successfully defended her Ph.D. in the MWE group on the development and characterization of GaAsSb-based power amplifiers. Congratulations, Sara!
Congratulations Dr. Tamara Popovic on receiving the Golden Owl Prize 2024!

We are thrilled to announce that Dr. Tamara Popovic has been awarded the prestigious Golden Owl Prize 2024. This recognition, presented by the VSETH, ETH Zurich's student association, celebrates lecturers who have demonstrated outstanding dedication to teaching and have left a lasting positive impact on their students. Well deserved, Tamara!
Congratulations Dr. Rimjhim Chaudhary!

We are delighted to celebrate the outstanding achievement of Dr. Rimjhim Chaudhary, who has successfully defended her PhD in the Millimeter-Wave Electronics Group on the fabrication and characterization of InP/GaAsSb-based Uni-traveling Carrier (UTC) photodiodes. Congratulations, Rimjhim!
Best Student Paper Award at the 15th Global Symposium on mm-Waves & THz in Hong Kong

We are delighted to announce that Sara Hamzeloui has earned the Best Student Paper Award for her work ''94 GHz Two-Way-Combined Power Amplifiers with 14.2 dBm Peak Output Power in 300-nm InP/GaAsSb DHBT Technology'' at the 15th Global Symposium on mm-Waves & THz in Hong Kong. Please join us in congratulating Sara Hamzeloui on this well-deserved recognition!
Best Student Paper Award at the 2023 IEEE BCICTS

We are happy to announce that Filippo Ciabattini from the ETHZ MWE Group has received the Best Student Paper Award at the 2023 IEEE BiCMOS and Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuits and Technology Symposium (BCICTS) in Monterey Monterey, CA, for his paper titled “Thermal Characterization of InP/GaAsSb DHBTs: Effect of Emitter and Collector Layers.” Please join us in congratulating Filippo on this remarkable achievement!