Filippo Ciabattini

Filippo Ciabattini
Student / Programme Doctorate at D-ITET
Brief Biography:
Filippo Ciabattini was born in Fiesole (Italy) on September 27th 1993. In 2015 he received his Bachelor degree in Physical Engineering at Polytechnic of Turin (Italy) and in 2017 his M.S. in Nanotechnologies for ICTs, a joint Master among Polytechnic of Turin, INP Grenoble (France) and EPFL (Switzerland). Then he joined the University of Hamburg, under the supervision of Dr. Irene Fernandez-Cuesta, working on opto-nanofluidic devices. In October 2019 he started his PhD in the Millimeter-Wave Electronics Group at ETH Zürich. His main research area is the design, process development, fabrication and characterization of InP/GaAsSb based Double Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor (DHBTs).